MOCs "Freunde" Server
Owner Mörlin the MOC
Status online

Players 0/20
Version 1.21
Rank 4259
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 hour(s) ago
Country Germany
Types SurvivalVanillaSMP

Ein Server mit meinen Freunden. Da in der Vergangenheit sehr wenige Freunde online waren, lade ich jeden herzlich ein, unserem Server beizutreten. Der Server ist aktuell in einer Steinzeit Epoche, was bedeutet, dass man nicht alle Items nutzten kann. Die Items werden im laufe der Zeit freigeschaltet, passend zu der aktualsten Epoche. PS: Ihr könnt mit Simple Voice Chat spielen.

What is the server IP for MOCs "Freunde" Server?

The server IP address for MOCs "Freunde" Server is In order to find the server IP please use the information provided on the left side of this page.

How do I play on the MOCs "Freunde" Server Minecraft server?

Open the launcher, next click the "Play" button then select "Multiplayer" from the menu.

Click "Add Server" tab and input the text on the "Server Address" box then hit "Done".

Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on MOCs "Freunde" Server.

What version does MOCs "Freunde" Server server support?

MOCs "Freunde" Server supports Minecraft version: 1.21, you may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play on the server.

Where is MOCs "Freunde" Server minecraft server hosting located?

The MOCs "Freunde" Server server is currently hosted in United States and has a great connection.

Where gamemodes can I play on MOCs "Freunde" Server?

You can play Survival, Vanilla, SMP, on the MOCs "Freunde" Server Minecraft Server.