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Tim Horton was a hockey player but is the name of a coffee chain, which means my dream of a goat sanctuary being my legacy is not unrealistic. If you were a member of the Bloods and became paralyzed do you then become a member of the Crips?. I'm in a band that does Metallica covers with our private parts - it's called Myphallica. Petrovache. I don't need a big house, just a two-floor condo - you could say I have lofty expectations. A tagline for a car company that prides itself on its morals and ethics: Take the High Road. I'm still upset that Tie Domi didn't name his child Tyson. Curling is the best sport named after something you do to your hair. You should "listen to my mixtape" (check out the rest of my portfolio). A tagline for a special highway that is easy to navigate while under the influence of drugs: Take the High Road. Rumour has it targeted online advertising was developed because the internet was upset that you could read it but it couldn't read you. Trepidelicious. A tagline for a special highway that is easy to navigate while under the influence of drugs: Take the High Road. We need more werkin and less twerkin if you ask me. Balooby. Rumour has it targeted online advertising was developed because the internet was upset that you could read it but it couldn't read you. Trepidelicious. I have never known a Jack that was in good enough shape to name bodybuilding after him. We need more werkin and less twerkin if you ask me. Balooby.