La corpo
Owner BoRaScA
Status offline

Players 0/50
Version 1.16
Rank 15030
Votes 0
Uptime 100%
Last Check 12 minute(s) ago
Country France
Types modded

La Corpo est une communauté Française mais aussi Anglophone ayant pour thèmes principaux la technologie. Le ModPack ainsi que le launcher ne sont pas encore dévoilés mais ne tarderons pas à l'être ( Première à Deuxième semaine d'Avril ). Vous pouvez cependant d'ores et déjà échanger avec nous ou les autres membres de la communauté dans le respect des règles de bienséances. Par ailleurs vous aurez le loisir de créer un équipage et ainsi disposer de salons textuels mais aussi de rôles vous étant propres. Pour cela, il suffit de demander à un membre de l'équipe. Vous noterez par ailleurs la présence de différentes catégories permettant de regrouper nos membres français mais aussi anglophones de même qu'une catégorie spéciale à la réunification des deux La Corpo is a French and English-speaking community whose main themes are technology. The ModPack as well as the launcher are not yet unveiled but will soon be (First to Second week of April). However, you can already exchange with us or other members of the community in accordance with the rules of Respect. In addition, you will have the opportunity to create a crew and thus have textual lounges but also roles that are specific to you. For that, just ask a member of the team. You will also note the presence of different categories allowing us to group together our French and English-speaking members, as well as a special c

What is the server IP for La corpo?

The server IP address for La corpo is In order to find the server IP please use the information provided on the left side of this page.

How do I play on the La corpo Minecraft server?

Open the launcher, next click the "Play" button then select "Multiplayer" from the menu.

Click "Add Server" tab and input the text on the "Server Address" box then hit "Done".

Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on "Join Server" button to play on La corpo.

What version does La corpo server support?

La corpo supports Minecraft version: 1.16, you may also use any other older or lower versions to connect and play on the server.

Where is La corpo minecraft server hosting located?

The La corpo server is currently hosted in United States and has a great connection.

Where gamemodes can I play on La corpo?

You can play modded, on the La corpo Minecraft Server.