Paste the server IP below in your Minecraft client.
Don’t know how to join? Follow these simple steps:
- Click “Multiplayer”
- Click “Add Server”
- Type the IP in server address box
FrozenMc | |
Owner | Boghristaki |
Status | online |
IP | |
Website | |
Players | 0/100 |
Version | 1.21 |
Rank | 1113 |
Votes | 1 |
Uptime | 100% |
Last Check | 21 minute(s) ago |
Country | Bulgaria |
Types | EconomyPvP |
Share |
🙌Welcome to FrozenMc ! Our server has the friendliest community on Minecraft. We're a Network that offers the best of the best survival , soon earth and skyblock.
Every week there are events and server updates to give you the best experience. We have many plugins and game modes to let you know that we offer the best for our players.
🎁Giveaways: Join our giveaways and have a chance to win a HUGE prize!
Netowrk servers
✨Survival: custom world. enchants, mobs, bar, shop, quest, jobs, skills, levels, rewards, ranks, events, trade and more
✨Lifesteal : soon
Join today to learn all about each gamemodes features!
The server goes for bedrock and java version. Thanks for sponsor oddblox host
➥Java Version: 1.16-1.21.x
➥Store: soon
➥Website: soon
Paste the server IP below in your Minecraft client.
Don’t know how to join? Follow these simple steps: